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Fischbach uses TRX-925 to help win EBSF European Benchrest Championship

By on December 17, 2022 0 253 Views

Pascal Fischbach put up an impressive showing at the 2022 European Benchrest Championships, placing 3rd in the Heavy Varmint Aggregate, winning the Light Varmint Aggregate, and taking the overall Championship by winning the 2-gun aggregate.  Pascal’s 0.225” (5.7203MM) two-gun aggregate bested the field by nearly twenty-thousandths of an inch, which is a wide margin in a game often decided by only a few thousandths.  The event was hosted by the European Benchrest Shooting Federation in Chateauroux, France where shooters from eight different nations vied for the title of European Champion.

To achieve the highest levels of accuracy most benchrest shooters utilize the same 5-10 pieces of brass for an entire event, reloading at the range between relays.  Fischbach employed a technique not often utilized in the short-range benchrest world by pre-weighing charges into small vials to then be loaded at the range.  These charges were measured using Creedmoor Sport’s TRX-925 Precision Reloading Scale.  The TRX-925 weighs down to the hundred (0.01) of a grain and Pascal credits this exceptional precision as a key element in his success.

I have been shooting powder from 2019…it’s hotter and might also have a narrower sweet spot window, so weighing loads carefully is paramount,” said Pascal Fishbach. “I drop an initial charge with my electronic measure and then finely adjust with a trickler over the TRX 925 scale which is sensitive to a single kernel of powder,” added Fishbach.

Developed by the team at Creedmoor Sports, the TRX-925 was designed from the ground up to offer exceptional accuracy and value for shooters.  The scale uses grains as its native unit of measure to avoid the rounding errors many other scales experience when converting weights from grams to grains.  The TRX-925 also comes standard with three F-1 class calibration weights to help ensure consistency during each reloading session.

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